
顯示從 2月, 2012 起發佈的文章



Firefox 字體平滑 設定

算是筆記一下 Firefox 6之後有個重要(對我來說)的功能就是設定Cleartype的選項,還蠻強大的,算是半套GDI++的功能包含其中。啟動方式很簡單,就是到about:config然後在filter中打入gfx,就會出現像是色彩管理及畫面輸出等相關設定 個人設置如下 gfx.font_rendering.cleartype.alway_use_for_content=ture /*對所有內容打開*/ gfx.font_rendering.cleartype.use_for_downloadable_fonts /*預設開啟*/ gfx.font_rendering.cleartype.params.cleartype_level gfx.font_rendering.cleartype.params.enhanced_contrast /*這兩者依個人喜好設定,數值0-100,個人沒將cleartype_level開滿因為會覺得有點糊*/ gfx.font_rendering.cleartype.params.force_gdi_classic_for_families /*類似GDI++可以依字型設定輸出平滑方式,但是只有分系統預設方式及Fx自己的方式,若覺得系統方式渲染更好的字型就加進來*/ gfx.font_rendering.cleartype.params.force_gdi_classic_max_size /*用系統cleartype輸出字型最大尺寸,大於本尺寸的字型不用cleartype輸出*/ gfx.font_rendering.cleartype.params.gamma /*gamma值,一般2.2=2200,1.8的就設定1800*/ gfx.font_rendering.cleartype.params.pixel_structure /*液晶螢幕的陣列,一般都是RGB所以設定1,0 = flat, 1 = RGB, 2 = BGR */ gfx.font_rendering.cleartype.params.rendering_mode /*重點項目,0 = default 自動選擇, 1 = aliased 不平滑輸出, 2 = GDI Classic 普通的,用整個像素控制, 3

English Listening

Changed to audio book this week , during the bus to office. Surprisingly, I can't really got into it, so hard to switch myself to "story mode" by audio, maybe it's because the noisy environment or visual disturbs, or "Pride and Prejudice" is just too difficult for me. However, an audio book still much harder than speeches or radio drama to me, I felt pretty comfortable with speeches or lectures even near the engine part(where with super loud noise and vibration), I also can watching girls on the bus and following the lectures at the same time, but on the moment the reader start reading the book, my brain failed, I understand most of the sentences she read, but feel far away combine them into a story, that feel really sad. Hope with practices I can make a movement about this situation, maybe started with audio magazine is a good first step, it's much clear while in home, I'll try it next time on bus. -- Casting my mind back to high school, I felt p