
顯示從 6月, 2009 起發佈的文章

short report in Stuttgart

in t-mobile's hotel it 's so fucking expansive , i haven 't pay yet but i know it is definately expensive , however , still butdget in Stuttgart......every cheaper places are full.....fool me something of this site will lost in few days because of google pages migration , soon we ' ll find out whcih file they don 't want to host anymore ~ XD went to the Prosche museum yesterday and Mercedes's today , both are .......... Amazing , for a german car fans , and my roommate@youth hostel is a worker in Mercedes!! so he could told me a lot about their things XDD , funny moving to Heidelberg tomorrow , and after that is big Frankfurt am and cute Delft . time goes so fast.

In Budapest

嗯~第一次用別人的電腦發文~ 用習慣live writer後要用blogger自己的系統發文真是綁手綁腳 ~ 在hostel裝了中文字型跟輸入法,之後來的台灣人應該要謝謝我XDDDD 沒啥想紀錄的~ 因為寫一點點在筆記本 剩下的記在腦中 budapest真是很不錯 不過到目前最喜歡的還是bled 很可惜待的時間不夠多 不然可以玩~好多好多 我還是比較喜歡自然~文化或是城市等等對我的感動與震撼有點少 聽大家都在講巴爾幹~講非洲 讓我好心動~也很嚮往 下次出國玩應該是東南亞或是日本吧~ 有機會再來印度、巴基斯坦、中東、土耳其、保加利亞、羅馬尼亞+巴爾幹~到殘念的克羅埃西亞,然後從俄羅斯回去~~ 感覺很棒 但是好遙遠 努力把握最後的機會 再來幾年大概都是在台灣玩了 也許到時再有機會體會不同文化會更有感動