
顯示從 12月, 2009 起發佈的文章

better late

than never. -- as usual, cause lazy in present days so i have to working hard AGAIN, for everything. it’s end of a year. new year just a normal day, but i can make it meaningful, not only that another round our planet goes the sun. 2009 is fantastic for me, now I'll did it again for 2010.  

fade out

got a strong feeling to escape from this environment, it’s only few month that I'm going to a whole new world no matter i am ready or not, anyway, I've stay in NCKU long enough, and in the same department for such long time, I'll miss here. i can remember all the best thing, I'll force myself to remember only the good part, there’re lots of regrets, but I'll make them up some day, I'll fill them, and i will head to my target hardly, it’s not easy but i want them so much, i felt that i grown up, i can do something i wish i can, but i think I'm still not qualified, the coming year is the only time left for me to make myself stay in the group. now I'm chasing for wealth, it’s necessary for my ideal life, i need quite lot, and as i told it’s impossible just from the salary, although salary still important and basis for the target, i need it to make a money ball and start rolling it, all its fundament is the constant income. for the topic, i think it’s


Are you tired? Tell me why. -- I’m fucking tired now, not only because slept less than 12 hours for last three days but for other unreasonable issues, physiological tired can’t result me like this now. i hate this part right now, despair, inability, dark side thinking and all these negative thoughts filled my mind, also make me doing some wrong decision, but i had one right this week - attending the party on the roof with seniors, they are so familiar with others and i also known some so the atmosphere is great, everyone have fun and looks enjoyed, this definitely a wonderful memory. the weather make me think of my life in Europe sometimes, like today i suddenly thought of the day in Perugia, Evanee was in school and i just walking around the city, it’s usual for me to do so in travelling days, but those memories hit me so hard,  like the sunset in Delft, i stunned every time i jogged in zuid trail, and i still remember all the smells and feelings there, everything lead


不知道要寫啥~ 來說說昨天的心得好了,今天跟呆呆講到99很多人驚人的財力,其實後來想想應該也還好而已,就我所知有錢的大都不會想念成大吧,誰不會去國外唸捏? 喜歡帶妹趴趴造的大概會 騎牛 或是 騎馬 ,出遊都會離開台灣島的 總之總之,我覺得花錢還是要看個人觀念與家庭狀況,我是覺得小孩子實在不應該為了自己的慾望消費父母的愛,畢竟建立正確金錢觀念還蠻重要的,現在錢這麼難賺,東西又很貴~想過個像樣的生活真是困難,比如說買個房,光是台中還不錯的地方大一點的就要2千多,裝潢算1千好了(個人偏重這個),這樣要3千(還不含契稅、印花稅和一狗票的代書費跟保費),說真的~3千去七期只能弄到很普通的,更別說台北國了,但是這樣子就算是月入十萬好了,一年一百二要二十五年....至少五十歲吧(這不正是退休的年紀嗎?錢花在買房子就不用養老瞜XDD)~而且是二十五年來都不消費,不吃不喝不繳稅金房租水電不買東西也沒有通膨的理想狀況,我看光是之後的地價稅跟房屋稅就去掉兩個月薪水(我是說十萬的喔)......如果加上日常的交通像是要買車(然後定期要繳的牌照稅+燃料稅+油錢+保養費),停車位也要錢,吃喝也要錢~水電瓦斯網路都要錢,住大樓還要管理費,應該還有許多零碎的花費沒看到的~像是各式各樣的稅金與保費(健保總得保吧),偶爾幻想一下旅遊或是聚餐又要加碼花費,這樣我看薪水沒啥人夠用吧,難怪現在會發明一堆金融商品,趕快來存錢理財才有機會 也許有人會建議租房子,但是基本上20-25年的租金就可以買了......租一輩子不是虧死 當然也是有便宜的房子,但是......曾經滄海難為水 總覺得現在有些人(ex.me)的欲望都被養很大,想要啥就會花下去,然後再想更進階的下一樣~這樣剛出社會錢少的跟屁一樣時怎麼存阿,看看~25歲10萬的天神靠薪水都存不到房子了,22K大概要流落街頭吧 -- 睡覺去...

因為時間管理不佳,所以最近有點累 拖過一小時又一小時,報裕隆比賽感覺跳級跳很大,算了~就當一個練習的契機吧,沒有壓力就沒有動力的懶人需要這樣 程序的作業還差一個裕隆跟iF,最可怕的是還有一個作品集,剛好搭上畢設的截稿進度,一切一切都在這個年底 Happy December......我還要去台北國跨年捏,炸了炸了......


今天畢設發表下午場陸老砲火猛烈,講了許多~ 其實我覺得他說的也不能算不對,但是對象錯了,一個老師會幹譙大四的學生多少是在自婊,學生沒有想像中優秀是事實,但是誰教的?當初好好的學生送進來現在四年過去進步一小點難道都是學生的問題?試問成大大一新生進來哪點輸實踐、台科?我說才智絕對是有過之而無不及,結果被追的這樣 話說最近深切體會到技法的重要性,畢竟設計能力養成需要經驗累積,速成不了,但是技術是根本,沒技術一切都是嘴砲,六點半嘴砲歸嘴砲,技法還是有一些的,讓他幹譙起來有模有樣 練技法