
顯示從 8月, 2012 起發佈的文章


Haven't install it, windows 7 well satisfied me already, no killer feature that attract me from the RP experience . I know it's difficult to develop a windows beyond windows 7 in such little time, windows 7 got highly recommend from its beta version, even higher from each release, still remember pcbeta's windows 7 forum got new releases every 2-3 days, and the crack also developed quickly as well, before the RTM version released, slic2.1+cert already waited there XD, and as I know windows 7 got praised all the time, maybe because it's compared with vista and xp, so it's easier to reach this glory point than windows 8. windows 8 isn't bad, but windows 7 already offered everything what a operating system needed, maybe its interface isn't perfect but it's good enough for most users, and it's stability, hardware support and programs compatibility are truly well, it's difficult for me to imagine how windows 8 could catch my eyes from this solid ex